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Q1 Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and a HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each.

difference is that XML sitemap is written for search engines, it is specifically written for search engine spiders. While HTML sitemaps are written for humans (more user- friendly).

1/ XML Sitemap

  • Improving searching engine crawling;
  • Faster indexing by providing a roadmap of the website’s content.
  • Allowing other types of content like images, videos, etc.
  • Complex and time-consuming to create and maintain;
  • An XML sitemap is a supplementary tool, it doesn't replace the need for well- structured, keyword-optimized content
  • Smaller websites with straightforward structures may not experience as much benefit compared to larger, complicated websites.

2/ HTML Sitemap

  • Serving as a user-friendly navigation tool, giving users the clear structure of the site and easy to find specific content
  • Easy Access: users and search engines can easily reach all pages on the website, making it more exclusive and find information quickly
  • Adding links to different pages in HTML Sitemap is possible, make the website more organised.
  • The primary site navigation doesn't link to all new pages of the website. A few sections or pages of the site remain inaccessible to the search engine.
  • Updating a HTML
Q2 Evaluate three IDE’s (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words include how it would suit an entry level trainee code developer.

1/ Visual Studio Code

Positive aspects:
  • Lightweight and fast and free
  • Rich extension marketplace for HTML,
  • Intelligent code completion and debugging capabilities.
Negative aspects:
  • Need additional extensions for some features,
  • Can be a little bit complicated for beginner due to many features.

2/ Sublime Text

Positive aspects:
  • Extremely Lightweight and fast,
  • Simple interface
  • Easily customizable with different themes and packages
  • Containing many editing features.
Negative aspects:
  • Limited built in features, replying on third party packages
  • No built-in support for project-specific configurations.

3/ Atom

Positive aspects:
  • Free and can be highly customizable
  • Easy to add extra tools.
  • User-friendly navigation
Negative aspects:
  • Uses more computer power compared to simpler editors.
  • Sometimes might be slow with big files.

By comparing the above positive and negative aspects of each IDE, I think both Visual Studio Code and Atom are better choices due to their user-friendly interfaces and supportive communities. Sublime Text may require a bit more setup for certain functionalities, so might be good for a higher level code developer.

Between the VS Code and Atom, as I mentioned before Atom may have some functional issues with big files, so VS Code would be a perfect option which can be used with any computers.

Q3 Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards.

- The World Wide Web was invented by British scientist Tim Berners Lee in 1989.

- Netscape Navigator, released in 1994, became one of the first widely-used browsers.

- In late 1990s: Microsoft introduced Internet Explorer (IE) to compete with Netscape Navigator. It achieved significant market share, becoming the dominant browser in the next couple of years until the born of Firefox.

During this period, the lack of adherence to web standards of the websites caused a lot of difficulties for web developers as they had to write code that worked across multiple browsers . Otherwise, the content might not be readable or the structure might be changed when moving among diffent browsers. This issue is very time – consuming for web developers.

For example: Many websites had to include special code to support IE.

- In 2004: Mozilla Corporation released Mozilla Firefox and it straight away gained popularity for its adherence to web standards and improved security

- In 2008: Google Incorporation released Google Chrome, apart from following the web standards, Chrome is simple, fast and stable, so it quickly gained the market and has been becoming the most popular being used all over the world.

Q4 What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality.

Website testing methodologies are the various methods or approaches used to test a website to ensure it functions and looks as expected.

There are many testing methodologies, below are the most popular methods:

1/ Manual Testing:

Browser Compatibility: Users or developers test website performance manually on different browsers and devices

Functionality: Users or developers Manually checks for website features and functionality.

2/ Automated Testing:

Browser Compatibility: Developers use some tools like Selenium to ensure website works on various browsers.

Functionality: Automated scripts validate website features.

3/ Performance Testing:

Browser Compatibility: Developers assess speed on different browsers to make sure the website working with acceptable speed.

Functionality: Developers verify smooth functioning under various loads.

4/ Security Testing:

Browser Compatibility: Developers identify security issues across browsers.

Functionality: Developers ensure security features work without compromising data.

In short, regardless of the methods used, developers must ensure that the website functions correctly across all diverse browsers.

Q5 What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?

The NT Government (NTG) aims to have all of its websites and web content meet the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA compliance.

The WCAG 2.0 is a stable, referenceable technical standard. They are an internationally recognised set of recommendations for improving web accessibility.

The guidelines are organized under 4 principles: perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust. For each guideline, there are testable success criteria. The success criteria are at three levels: A, AA, and AAA.

There are so many listed in WCAG, which can be found in https://nt.gov.au/page/accessibility or https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG22/quickref/" We can’t list all the principles here but for example under Perceivable section, we have sub section 1.4 Distinguishable, it is quired that “If any audio on a Web page plays automatically for more than 3 seconds, either a mechanism is available to pause or stop the audio, or a mechanism is available to control audio volume independently from the overall system volume level” or “Except for captions and images of text, text can be resized without assistive technology up to 200 percent without loss of content or functionality”

Following these requirements will create a consistency regarding accessibility of all NTG websites .

Q6 How do you think it’s best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.

In my opinion, organizing assets used for a specific webpage is essential for efficient development and maintenance. The developer of a website may not be the person who maintain it, so being organised would be greatly appreciated by all parties involved.

On my computer, I organise my assets under folders, subfolders, clear and descriptive names. At work, I create Word documents to list each file belonging to specific folders. This helps my colleagues access the necessary documents easily.

On the root folder of the website, except this folder (can be called Project or Root), all files and folders should be (a) lower case, (b) have no spaces in the name, (c) start with a letter or number and not a special character.

I will organise my assets into belong folders:

  • Project (Root) Folder: main folder for the project and contains ALL other files and folders.
  • HTML Folder: these are all of the files that end with .html. These should be directly in the Project/Root folder and not in any sub folders. Doing that makes it easy to see all of your files and makes all of the paths to resources (images, css files) the same.
  • CSS Folder: all .css files go here.
  • Images Folder: all images go here (.jpg, .png, .gif, etc). We can name the folder images or img
  • JavaScript Folder (if any): all JavaScript files go here. They end in .js.